Gritty, stinky yet prosperous industrial district. Mythologized parable of post-World-War-II California life. Abandoned, rusty, dangerous no man’s land. World-famous tourist attraction with a curious mix of old and new, kitschy and classy, high tech and old school. That’s Cannery Row: a miasma of contrasts; a place with a dramatic past peopled with a cast of unique, … [Read more...] about A Sea of Contrasts
An Eye for Blues
Will Wallace has been a director of the Monterey Bay Blues Festival for 20 of the organization’s 23 years. “I came on board to chronicle the festival,”Wallace recalls. “I also handled press and publicity, designed and produced the programs, did whatever needed doing.” Today, in addition to continuing to document the event through his thoughtful photography, he is involved with … [Read more...] about An Eye for Blues
Classical Composition
You might see an affable new guy around town with his wife and young daughter, getting to know the people and places of their adopted hometown. He’s not an instantly recognizable person; it’s unlikely that Brad, Angelina, Britney or Bono can count on him to distract the paparazzi. You may not know his face, but if you’ve seen the action films “Con Air,” “Training Day,” “Bad … [Read more...] about Classical Composition